Projects 2020

Projects 2020

A few projects from the minor of 2020. Things were a little different then! We had to adapt to new conditions due to the Covid-19 lockdown and RIVM regulations during the course. Students worked on self-initiated projects, while trying to adjust to the new normal.

Stop Touching

Reframing hygiene tactics and accessible maker culture through a DIY lens. Summer aimed to provide a solution to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus through surface contamination, that is accessible to everyone and doesn’t depend on regular production methods. Read more.

Tags: COVID-19, personal devices, DIY student: Summer Danoe (CMD) Coach: Yuri Westplat


A tactile material experience to support changing embodied social habits. Sunday the 15th of March the 1,5 meter-society has been introduced. From this point on nobody is allowed to get near each other closer than 1,5 meter except for your housemates. The DateKleed will encourage human interaction in a safe way, to prevent society for serious threatening effects, like Huidhonger, without the need of striking tape, fines or police watching you. Read more.

Tags: social distancing, dating, materials student: Duncan van Norden (AMFI) Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg


Towards hyperdisposable sporks: beyond the promise of biodegradable plastic. A search for an alternative of hard and strong plastic. Focussing on one of the most harmful plastic waste in the ocean: disposable cutlery.

Tags: biofabricating, material activism student: Anoush Mazloumian (CMD) Coach: Yuri Westplat

Bioplastics on a Rainbow Spectrum

Creating a rainbow of color using natural, accessible ingredients. How to color your bioplastic by only using natural ingredients which are easily accessible? Desiree researched how to create the seven basic colors to be used in gelatin-based bioplastics.

Tags: biofabricating, natural pigments Student: Desiree van Dam Coach: Marjolijn Ruyg

Compostable Packaging Bags

Kim researched disposable packaging for the transportation of garments. The result is an Agar Agar based transparant and sealable packaging bag that can be home-composted.

Tags: biofabricating, material activism Student: Kim Sinke Coach: Yuri Westplat